Covram is a practical native vegetation condition assessment and monitoring tool built for land managers and advisors. Simplify your field assessment and monitoring by capturing field data on your mobile. Covram enables the land manager to rate the condition of their native vegetation across 5 condition states and thereby better inform land management decisions.The app allows you to easily enter your site data and photo once via mobile, removing the hassle of transcribing paper field notes, manually georeferencing photos and transcribing GPS coordinates. Monitoring is as simple as repeating the process and comparing data to previous inspections.Covram methodology is:- Easy to understand and apply - the approach uses non-scientific terminology and has been developed for the use of land managers.- Informed by over 30 years of experience in field assessment and land management advice, and has been successfully applied across 100s of sites- A standardised, repeatable approach- Applies a numeric score to key vegetation characteristics to determine a condition rating which automatically calculates a modified VAST (Vegetation Assessment State and Transition) rating- Uses clear drop downs to ensure minimal text entry and duplication- Captures site photo point- Can be applied with minimal training- Does not require specialist botanical knowledge- Can record over 20 field specific characteristics- Not a point based survey - Categorises the broader site characteristics- Valuable in making land management decisions e.g. grazing and revegetation potentialCovram App features:- No cables or specialised devices- Allows the sharing of data collected and collaboration with others in your team or organisation- Updates from different assessors in team are automatically merged in realtime- Offline capability for the collection of data from remote locations- Cloud-based backup of data collected- All data and photos are stored and synced automatically for later viewing and analysis- Detailed satellite imagery- Integration with Covram web app for reviewing data and photos collected on desktop